Personal Information

 Assistant Professor

Department of  Diploma of Education- Male Students

Faculty of Education

Contact Information

Phone: 70857 Ext. 70857


Hussein Al Najjar

 Assistant Professor


Name: Hussein Abdel Majeed Mufleh Najjar
Occupation: a faculty member at the University of King Abdulaziz
Grade: Assistant Professor


  • 2004

    Doctorate degree from Counseling and Special EducationFaculty of Educational Sciences, Amman Arab University, عمان, الاردن


  • 1995-2006

    Faculty member, Relief and Works Agency for Refugees, عمان, الاردن

Research Interests

Scientific interests


Techniques of the development of artistic talent 568 خاص
Methods of developing thinking skills 565 خاص
Academic learning disabilities 524 خاص
Academic learning plan
Developmental learning disabilities 523 خاص
Plan developmental learning difficulties
Learning difficulties in the light of theories 522 خاص
Learning plan in the light of theories
plan of developing thinking skills
Plan of development methods artistic talents
Methods of teaching learning disabled 526 خاص
plan of Methods teaching with learning disabilities
Office Hours

Areas of expertise